wash down

英 [wɒʃ daʊn] 美 [wɑːʃ daʊn]

(用水)送服; (全部)冲洗; (彻底)冲刷


  1. PHRASAL VERB (用水)送服
    If you wash something, especially food, down with a drink, you drink the drink after eating the food, especially to make the food easier to swallow or digest.
    1. He took two aspirin immediately and washed them down with three cups of water.
    2. ...a massive beef sandwich washed down by a bottle of beer.
  2. PHRASAL VERB (全部)冲洗;(彻底)冲刷
    If you wash down an object, you wash it all, from top to bottom.
    1. The prisoner started to wash down the walls of his cell.


  1. He took two aspirin immediately and washed them down with three cups of water.
  2. The prisoner started to wash down the walls of his cell.
  3. They had some hot drinks to wash down their dry muffins.
  4. I need some help to wash the walls down before painting.
  5. Put the pill on your tongue, and drink a big mouthful of water to wash it down.
  6. The Racetrack is primarily covered with hexagonal saucers of dry mud, left after a very short season when the lake bed is covered with a shallow layer of water after rains wash down from the surrounding mountains and into the playa.
  7. Egyptians tend to wash down these libations with black tea.
  8. Eg. the bus is so dirty and you have to wash down the bus right away.
  9. Of course the first thing you need to do is wash down the walls of your house.
  10. Then, after a long time, woven mother finally finished, she crept to the bathroom to wash, then lay down exhausted.
  11. We might wash down the walls for you, but nothing else.
  12. Joseph said that on the day Johnathan died he had peanut butter stuck in his throat but his parents wouldn't let him wash it down.
  13. Have you some tea to wash the fry cake down?
  14. That day to day, wash the toothpaste down the sink, close the toilet seat stuff can drive you crazy.
  15. In a rage, he snatched a basin of cold water which another girl had brought in to wash down the table, and poured this over Spindle-shanks 'head.
  16. I took two aspirins, I went into the bathroom to wash them down.
  17. Wash it all down with one or two cups of green tea.
  18. We could go get a bowl of fish balls and wash it down with a sour plum drink.
  19. Go after your dreams with energy and passion, or you may as well stand back and watch them wash down the drain.
  20. Whether be strict in one's demands, neat fine painting, or writing, ink and wash down the freehand drawing, all without exception "Ya" and "Jane" as the artistic realm in the pursuit of.
  21. It may be that the gulfs will wash us down;
  22. Rub this medicine on your skin after your daily shower. Take a pill for itching at bedtime. I took two aspirins, I went into the bathroom to wash them down.
  23. Wash the walls down well with soap and water before putting on the distemper.
  24. And it owns Dunkin'Donuts, which sells coffee to wash down the doughnuts at its stores.
  25. You'll wash it all down with a diet drink, of course, as a gesture to your commitment to healthy eating-starting tomorrow.
  26. Wash the walls down with soap and water.
  27. She then stops, and looks across at him, and asks," What do you suggest I wash it down with?"
  28. Absorption of amine collector named GE-609 on the surface of quartz belonged to electrostatic and physical type. Distilled water could hardly wash the GE-609 down from the surface of quartz.
  29. One of the advantages of sol-gel method is that the dielectric constant of silica and magnesium oxide was low, which can wash largely down dielectric constant of BST.
  30. Objective To study the need of flushing liquor for wash down remained blood for vein transfusion port after blood transfusion.



  1. flow freely
    1. The body washed down the river

    Synonym:    flush down

  2. eat food accompanied by lots of liquid
    1. She washed down her dinner with a bottle of red wine
    2. He washes down his worries with a nightly glass of whisky